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Intimate Relationship Blogs

ARTICLE - Are You With Me or Not?

In 2004 I experienced an incredible life-changing event that would have been a disaster without integrating what I had learned from Tony Robbins.

Here's what happened:

Nicki Vee and I started helping people with their relationships by running events at our home in Faversham, near Canterbury in Kent.

A couple of single guys asked us if we could teach them how to find a great relationship, and I said, why don't you come to our place for the weekend, and we set a date.

A week later, they rang up and said can we bring a couple of friends; we said YES because we learned to use the 'No' word as sparingly as possible.

Then the friend rang up and said, can we bring our three teenage kids, so guess what, we said 'Yes'!

We then invited another four people, so 12 people came to our first event.

The first event was unreal; people were sleeping everywhere as we only had a four-bedroom house, and there were four of us working it as well, so 16 of us in all.

Nick James and his now-wife Nattie James were on the team, and they literally slept in the broom cupboard on a floor mattress, plus they cooked and participated well.

Everyone loved the way we shared personal development around how to move towards living ten out of ten intimate relationships.

We shared our models of success, we did exercises, we all ate together around a big table, and we stayed up late singing around our piano, learning what seemed like crazy stuff.

The outcome was everyone loved it so much they asked when we could do it again? So we set another date, and the next time eighteen people came.

In total, we did five events over five months, crafting the event, our success models and our unique coaching style as we went along.

On the fifth event our neighbour went ballistic and burst in the house, shouting 'it's all right for you lot being happy', (we call our home The Happy House) we are trying to go to sleep.

We often teach, how could the worst day of your life actually be the best day of your life? And her bursting in like that was one of those moments!

That was the last Happy House event in Faversham, and I said to Nicki, we need to find somewhere we can do this properly, let’s buy a hotel?

Weeks later, we were coaching on the Tony Robbins team at his Wealth Mastery Event, where they were teaching how to buy and sell houses and make money.

One of the property strategies was to find someone desperate to sell and knock them down 25% off the market value and buy it fast.

Then, talk about manifesting, a woman came running up to me and said, I hear you are looking to buy a hotel; I have one, you can have it cheap if you buy it now!

I asked her where it was, and she said 'Austria', then I broke my own rule and used the 'N-word’ and said I was looking for somewhere between London and Birmingham.

Then on the way home, I realised I had used the dreaded 'N-word’ on autopilot, so I told Nicki that we were going to 'Austria to see this hotel!

Let's face it; the universe had sent me exactly what I was looking for; although it was wrapped up differently from what I had imagined.

Two days later, we were on the plane to Saltsburg and in the car on the way to the hotel; the lady said, if you can buy it today, I will take another 25% off the price.

Different thoughts ran through my head; why was it so cheap? was it falling down and can you buy a hotel in a day? Everything was challenging my thinking.

When we got there, to say it was perfect for us is an understatement and that day, I said to Nicki, if you are mad enough, I am, so let's do it, and we struck a deal.

Two weeks later, we moved to Austria and took over a running hotel in a country where we did not even speak the language; it was a crazy yet incredible time.

Unsurprisingly it was a tough time for us and stretched our relationship to the limit, as the hotel was great, but the hotel business was not what we wanted at all.

Things came to a head six weeks later where a massively upset and crying Nicki Vee said words no man that's bought a hotel in Austria wants to hear.


Yes, she went on a proper rant; I hate it here, I hate the people, I hate they drink and smoke and eat meat, it's everything we don't teach, they are so low energy.

And there is no Lloyds Bank and no Sainsburys - I want to go home!

So I did the only thing a man could do. I said, firmly but lovingly, look. I'm here; this is my vision for life; this is what we will do.

We will close the hotel and do our events creating The Happy House Austria, and I'm going to take you home every month to see the family.

Then these words came out of my mouth:

Now Are You With Me or Not?

It was a decisive moment for both of us as Nicki stopped crying, hugged me, and said, I'm With You!

When we tell that story, many women say, The 'Bas****", but Nicki says, please understand, my man stood strong and certain in a moment of challenge, which made me move towards him and love him even more.

Within weeks we closed the hotel, and ‘The Happy House Austria' took off; hundreds of couples and singles came and learned how to move towards living in a ten out of ten intimate relationship.

Why not grab one of our Complimentary Relationship Books or Products in the Tony & Nicki Relationship Store on our Website, here's the link - Tony & Nicki's Relationship Book & Product Store

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PS - The fastest way to get help with your Intimate Relationship is to book a session, go to Tony & Nicki's Home Page and watch the short video on how it all works - 

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This Article is The Copyright of Tony & Nicki Vee and cannot be published in full or part without prior permission. For further information on this or other articles and their availability please contact: Tony or Nicki at: [email protected]