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Intimate Relationship Blogs

ARTICLE - From A Rollercoaster of A Relationship Life to Peace & Love

We promised we’d share our 'never been published before' stories of how we overcame our own Intimate Relationship Problems, so here’s mine! 

Nicki Vee's Story:

I still look back at the girl who married at the age of 21, and I don’t recognise her! 

I do remember that the reason I married him was that I’d already had a few dysfunctional relationships, and he seemed ’nice’! Not a good way to choose.

Interesting how, whilst I had picked him because he was ‘nice’, the relationship quickly became volatile. My spider-sense must have been really off back then.

I was always trying to reason with him and stop him from being angry so I lived on eggshells; I never told him the truth about what I needed or how I felt. I lost who I was. Looking back, everything I tried was based on my own fears and my need to control him. We were clearly both very unhappy. 10 years later, I left, taking my little boy with me, to find someone else.

Then I met husband 2. He was a lot younger than me and very handsome; I knew he wasn’t ‘nice’ but I was flattered by his desire for me! I rushed headlong into it, ignoring all of his issues; 

I moved the 3 of us into a house together and paid for everything. Again I didn’t notice (or take notice) of any of the bad signs. Again, very quickly he turned out to be the kind of guy who was angry about everything, and the relationship was volatile and unhealthy.

So, another few years of unhappiness, which had a devastating effect I later found out, on my son, and clearly did not have a good effect on his 2 children either. 

I wish I could tell you that that was the final straw for me but sadly it wasn’t!

Yes, I had found ‘personal development’, and the rest of my life had massively improved in other areas, but relationship-wise I had still not found out how to have a healthy relationship and why I was having so much pain in my love life. 

I was single and lonely, so I had an affair with a married man. When he ended that relationship I was in so much pain & confusion that I spiralled downwards. I had very dark thoughts for the first time in my life, and I even prayed! 

I kept asking why, why, why? And finally, I got the answer.

I remembered how the thing that hurt the most was when my married man said, “you’ll be ok, you’re strong and independent”. Yes, I was the girlfriend/wife/woman ‘who loved too much', who allowed men to treat her badly, and who never asked for what she wanted. 

My journey of discovery of how to have a better experience in intimate relationships was dramatic. I’d always been so busy, stressed and driven, so I began by making ‘better’ decisions in every area of my life and they have been for me, so much better each and every day since.

These decisions, these choices that I made for myself, were ‘healthier’ ways of thinking, working, living, and even eating, and I know that they created in me the ability to attract the happiest, most loving, most easy-going relationship I have ever had, with the incredible Tony Vee.  

I feel privileged and grateful to have heard many times how, because couples have learnt new, individual ways of operating, they have experienced a different level of love & intimacy with their partners.  

Why not grab one of our Complimentary Relationship Books or Products in the Tony & Nicki Relationship Store on our Website, here's the link - Tony & Nicki's Relationship Book & Product Store

Live Life Loving, Tony & Nicki x

P.S. If my story has resonated with you, and you feel ready to take the next step, you can book to speak with us, confidentially and privately, by clicking below - Book A Session With Tony & Nicki Vee

We look forward to speaking to you and assisting you in any way we can.

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This Article is The Copyright of Tony & Nicki Vee and cannot be published in full or part without prior permission. For further information on this or other articles and their availability please contact: Tony or Nicki at: [email protected]