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PODCAST - Master Relationship Coach & Mentor Tony Vee - Part Two

In this, the second episode of Caroline’s two-part special with coach and mentor Tony Vee, he expands on the catalytic revelations that took him from the road to fear and down the road to love. They look at the chemistry of human emotion and why it's impossible for love and fear to exist in the human body at the same time. Most importantly, Tony reveals the secret to living a 10 out of 10 life. 

Please join Caroline as she and Tony look at life through a different lens.


  • What you believe has a huge impact on how things go. If you believe relationships are painful, yours will be.
  • The emotions we experience are a result of the mix of chemicals in our body at a particular point in time.
  • With the right techniques, you can exert a lot of control over your body chemistry, which translates into managing how you feel.
  • The way your body chemistry works means that you can't have love and fear (worry) in your body at the same time.
  • Anger breeds anger. People don't want to help someone who is nasty to them.
  • You have to let go of the past.
  • As soon as you realize you are not leading a happy life, take action to change things. If you don't things will get worse.
  • Become a giver, not a getter.
  • If you transmit love and joy, you will trigger that behavior in others.


‘You cannot have fear and love in your body at the same time. ´

‘Wherever we are in our lives we have created that. We aren't victims, we are the creators of our own lives.’

‘These are our fight and flight chemicals. We're supposed to have them for an emergency, but people have come to use them in their everyday life.’

‘Be loving to them, being caring too, it doesn't matter who it is. Spread that around, and you will receive that back.’


Tony Vee Biog:

Tony Vee seems to have been born with entrepreneurial bones and has never worked for anyone. He always describes his life, like the two Testaments. There is the Old Testament, which spanned the 1st 47 years of his life when he had what he calls a catalytic moment, or a 'Massive Change of Perception' of 'Life' itself. Where he started a whole New Testament of life, which, now in his 69th year, he continues to write - while sharing the what, why, and how of what it takes to move towards having what he calls a 10 out of 10 life experience.


Here's the Tony & Nicki Relationship Store, where there are lots of freebies - Tony & Nicki Vee

link to the 10-10 Movement short training in the Red & the Green - How To Turn Red (Bad) Day's Into Green (Good) Days

Here's the Blogs, where you will see/hear us doing a Relationship Podcast Together - Relationship Advice Blog [Relationship Help & Information]

Link to 10 out of 10 Life Test:

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Phone - 07926 604133



Caroline Partridge is a unique and creative individual. She is an actress, puppeteer, educator, and artist with funny bones. She loves a story and is an expert at conveying wit and wisdom with warmth, understanding, and empathy.



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This is a podcast series about discovery, understanding, revelation, and stories. 

How we perceive the world is rooted in everything that has influenced us throughout our lives, emotionally and psychologically. We become the sum of our parts and each of us has our own unique view of the world. 'Vision' truly is an act of interpretation. 

In this podcast series through fascinating conversations, I set about trying to understand how we form our perceptions, view different perspectives, and examine how perception has influenced, inspired, or hindered the lives of each of my unique guests. 

Why not grab one of our Complimentary Relationship Books or Products in the Tony & Nicki Relationship Store on our Website? Here's the link - Tony & Nicki's Relationship Book & Product Store

Live Life Loving, Tony & Nicki Vee

PS - The fastest way to get help with your Intimate Relationship is to book a session, go to Tony & Nicki's Home Page and watch the short video on how it all works - 

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