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ARTICLE - My Scariest Moment Was Discovering - I Was Operating More Feminine Than Masculine?

In early 2002 I was sitting in a massive conference at the age of 48 with a string of painful and very costly intimate relationship failures when the subject up next on the agenda was about the balance of our Masculine and Feminine energies.

For some reason, I was somewhat squirming in my seat just because I had read the programme, and when the speaker finally started, within minutes, I felt myself being repelled from the room.

I quietly got up and walked out, thinking, I don’t need to listen to that, but the truth is, of course, I absolutely needed to hear, but something inside of me felt super uncomfortable.

It was a fear that I was more feminine than masculine, and if I found out that I was, what would that mean about me, my life, my relationship failures and even the effect I had had on my children, of which I have three boys.

It was a horrible moment in my life, but luckily for me, a lady unknown to me came running after me and somehow, after a few great questions, she got me to go back into the room and sit back down.

I am so grateful she came running after me because what I learned that day changed my whole understanding of life.  And most importantly, I got answers to so many unanswered questions about why I was so bad at relationships.

From that day forth, I worked on myself to live in what we now call my core masculine energy.

And from that place, I found, what so many searched for throughout their life but had failed to find, I found peace and happiness, plus I found the love inside myself that I was then able to share success with a woman, my amazing wife, Nicki Vee.

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This Article is The Copyright of Tony & Nicki Vee and cannot be published in full or part without prior permission. For further information on this or other articles and their availability please contact: Tony or Nicki at: [email protected]