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ARTICLE - How I Went From Relationship Pain To Relationship Pleasure

I often get asked how long it took me to change my life from half happy, as I call it, to live an extraordinary life.

The answer is a year to eighteen months.

The next question I get asked is: How did you do it?

So here's the - How:

I always say the first thing that happened was I had a BIG ah-ha or light bulb moment; we now call them OFM's. (Oh F*** Me, Moments).

In effect, I became super aware of my life circumstances and situations and took the gigantic first step to understand and believe; I was not a victim of this; I created it!

Once I made this internal shift, I discovered two worlds we can frequent; we can either live in 'The Red World' or 'The Green World'!

To discover if I lived in the Red or the Green World, I had to ask myself some very tough questions.

Did I know anyone who worried or had anxiety? Did I know anyone that gets frustrated, angry or even depressed?

Did I know anyone addicted to alcohol, tobacco, any form of drugs, gambling, food, or even S**?

Did I know this person well?

OFM - I do a load of that S***, that person I knew - WAS ME!

And asking myself these questions is how I discovered I was one of the 96% of all humans that live in the 'Red World'.

In the Green World, people live very differently; for example, they trust (both themselves and to life), have faith, don't hold on to baggage from the past, and live in truth.

In fact, they love everything and everyone, including themselves, all of the time. (Only 4% of all humans live in this place).

My GAP was not to even know 'The Green World' existed, let alone how to move in and live there!

Anyway, after becoming acutely aware and accepting I had not only lived in 'The Red World' all my life. I had created a life with red ideals, red beliefs & rules, and red success strategies.

I made a deep inner decision.

I decided 'enough is enough; I opened my heart and mind, moved towards my huge gap, and set about discovering how to live in 'The Green World'.

And here's the thing, I knew if I did nothing and ignored my Gap, NOTHING would ever change or open up for me.

On the journey, I discovered I did not know what the word 'Love' meant; I found my beliefs were a massive part of what kept me stuck in the red world; I discovered I did not know my life purpose or have great values and so much more.

It's like I was looking to get to Brighton, but I was on the train to Blackpool.

Twenty years later, Nicki and I don't live in 'The Green World'; no, we call ourselves 'Gate Keepers'.

You'll see us if you want to move from the Red to the Green World.

We are the ones at the gateway; we help people across the border; it's our purpose.

Why not grab one of our Complimentary Relationship Books or Products in the Tony & Nicki Relationship Store on our Website, here's the link - Tony & Nicki's Relationship Book & Product Store

Maybe we'll see you at the gate - Live Life Loving TV.

PS - The fastest way to get help with your Intimate Relationship is to book a session, go to Tony & Nicki's Home Page and watch the short video on how it all works - 

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This Article is The Copyright of Tony & Nicki Vee and cannot be published in full or part without prior permission. For further information on this or other articles and their availability please contact: Tony or Nicki at: [email protected]