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ARTICLE - What Could Humans Learn From Puffins About Relationships?

Puffins known as 'The Parrots of The North' are incredible birds for several reasons.

These beautiful little birds live for 30-35 years, which is impressive considering their size.

They live at sea throughout the winter, so they are super resilient to what gets thrown at them throughout their lives.

They mate for life.

They create one home/nest, which they return to every year to lay one egg.

The egg takes 40 days to hatch and the chick another 40 days to fledge

While raising their chick, they work from 5 am to 11 pm every single day to feed the chick.

So what could we learn about our own Intimate Relationship Life from these impressive creatures?

How come they mate for life, yet so many human relationships break down? Could it be as simple as we have lost connection to 'Nature' and the so-called 'free will' humans possess, has led us away from nature?

Yes, the nature of humans is what I call 'Green', that's loving, giving, caring, compassionate, respectful, responsible and much more.

Yet over time, we have drifted into what I call the 'Red' where we have developed strong egoic minds, which are nature's antipathy.

When speaking, I always ask our audiences, do you know anyone who worries, anyone who gets anxious, frustrated, angry, or even depressed?

These are traits of over 95% of all humans alive today, and these are all traits of living with a robust egoic mind, something a Puffin nor most of the rest of the animal world have.

And by going back to nature and quelling our egoic mind, our relationships would remain solid, loving, caring, and thus healthy monogamous and lifelong.

And of course, that raises the question, 'how do you quell your egoic mind'?

Well, one thing is for sure it's not easy, and whilst Nicki Vee and I always say this is the real pandemic facing humans, there is no vaccine or tablet to assist us in turning things around.

The horrific truth is that there is not one droplet of attention by any so-called authority; that's no government, not the United Nations, nor the World Health Organisation. No one is moving towards resolving this problem.

AND one could argue this one thing is the most likely candidate to cause the extinction of the human race, taking with it serious numbers of flora and fauna.

Yes, the truth is we are on our own, and we will have to take responsibility one at a time to become aware of this problem.

And incredible creatures like the beautiful Puffins hold a secret to us living in loving relationships with ourselves, our life partners, our children, which copy us, and collectively as a race.

Their message is to get back to our nature and start living a more green life, and our relationship on all levels will be different, and that will no more show up than in our intimate relationships.

Sadly the Puffin population is predicted to decline by 90% in the coming years because of the temperature of the sea rising, which affects the natural food chain.

Yes, sand eels are a critical food source of Puffins and are another casualty, all of which can be traced back to being caused by the rise in power of the human egoic mind.

If you want to start your journey of living free of your egoic mind, there is no better place to start than taking the 'Relationship Test' on our website and discovering what we call 'Your Gap'.

Once you know your gap, you can start the journey of learning to close the gap and live a greener life, where health, happiness and fulfilment truly live.

Why not grab one of our Complimentary Relationship Books or Products in the Tony & Nicki Relationship Store on our Website, here's the link - Tony & Nicki's Relationship Book & Product Store

Live Life Loving, Tony & Nicki Vee

PS - The fastest way to get help with your Intimate Relationship is to book a session, go to Tony & Nicki's Home Page and watch the short video on how it all works -  

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