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ARTICLE - Why Do We Let Our Intimate Relationship Die?

We’ve assisted couples in resolving their relationship issues since the early naughties and singles to understand the real reason their last relationship died.

One of our key observations is that we tend to see people stand by and let their relationship die, hoping it won’t and that it will get better over time.

Relationships are like House Plants; for some people, they thrive, while others stand by and watch them wither away and die, either not knowing what to do or ignoring their slow demise.

So what’s the real difference between people whose plants thrive and those whose plants die? Is it the plants? No, it’s the people.

Look, it makes sense that if anything is going to thrive, it needs focus, attention and love, and if it gets ignored and pushed down the important list, it will die.

In the last couple of weeks, Nicki and I have spoken to many people who have put their hand up asking for help, and we always ask the same question.

Why not answer it for yourself right now:

On a scale of zero to ten, ten being it’s fantastic, the best it can be, and zero being it’s a complete disaster, what number would you give your relationship right now?

The truth is no one scored ten, nine, nor even eight; two couples scored seven, and the most common score was two.

All of these people had been in ten years plus relationships, and all had stood by and watched this happen, hoping it would get better UNTIL it became an ‘EMERGENCY’.

We also did a relationship survey on Instagram last week and asked when it was the best time to get relationship help? The top answer was - ‘when disconnected’.

The truth is most people put their hands up for help when they come close to the ‘breaking point’ we call it ‘The Emergency Zone’ when it’s ten times more problematic, although not impossible.

To this end, we decided to create what we have called the ‘Love Zones’. It’s a powerful guide to understanding which Love Zone you’re in right now - Here's The Link - Your Complimentary Copy of 'The Love Zones'

Pretty much all humans want to experience sharing love with a partner; sadly, very few achieve it at a high-level long term.

The trick to being successful in anything comes down to:

       Education - learning what you don’t know.

       Knowing where you are now and where you want to get to.

       Taking action - if you do nothing, things won’t get better.

       Make sure you ask for help from an expert.

Why not grab one of our Complimentary Relationship Books or Products in the Tony & Nicki Relationship Store on our Website, here's the link - Tony & Nicki's Relationship Book & Product Store

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PS - The fastest way to get help with your Intimate Relationship is to book a session, go to Tony & Nicki's Home Page and watch the short video on how it all works - 

#relationships #lovelife #marriage #love #relationshipcoach  #couples #divorce #relationshipcounselling 

This Article is The Copyright of Tony & Nicki Vee and cannot be published in full or part without prior permission. For further information on this or other articles and their availability please contact: Tony or Nicki at: [email protected]