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ARTICLE - You Can’t Solve An Emotional Relationship Problem With Logic!

Yes, it’s true, these are different parts of us, AND your emotional self is not connected to your logical self.

Add to this, men are notoriously more logical, and women are notoriously more emotional, and right there, you have a tinderbox of potential misunderstandings, conflict and even a relationship breakup.

Think about your last disagreement and notice if indeed one of you was being emotional while the other was being logical; the chances you were are very high.

Now think about it, was the problem resolved, or was it totally or maybe partially swept under the carpet?

If this is the case, then be prepared for the consequences, the most likely being it will rear its head and come to the surface again one day soon.

And it will either show up in exactly the same form as last time or with a slightly different edge to it, but with the same underlying pattern.

So, if when there is a problem, and it’s true, men go to their logic to solve things, and women go to their emotions, what can you do to resolve stuff both NOW and in the LONG TERM?

So, to resolve things you have to learn your partners operating system because sure as hell, they will not be operating the same way you do.

Imagine if one of you has an iPhone and the other has an Android phone; you simply have to press different buttons to make them work.

And what’s the truth, when you are disconnected, do you keep pressing the same buttons expecting what you are doing to actually work - hell yes you do!

So the solution is you need to learn how to use their phone, otherwise, you are metaphorically f*****, or NOT, as the case may be;).

Why, because the number one place disconnection shows up is in the bedroom, with you on one side of the bed and them on the other and little or no loving intimacy.

Would love to know your thoughts about this in the comments section.

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